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Monday, October 18, 2010

The house also includes a small "Patio" in the back.

The word "PATIO" refers to a space or place in the backyard of any house that has it. It can be used to play, relax or dine. Its a word borrowed from the spanish language. However, patio in spanish means a little more than just its denotation in english, a  patio in spanish countries is a large backyard complete with all types of trees, flowers, there is usually a hamac or two for nappind during those long hot days.. I chose this word because when i hear the english speaker pronounce it, they say it [paetio] inserting a "r" sound where the "t" sound is. Also because my sister would make me help her sweep our patio when i was about twelve years old. it would get full of dry leaves from all the trees that my father had planted there. A patio doesn't have to be cemented like most patios in the United States are. Its a word that any american knows regardless of having a house  or its origins for that matter.


  1. I've never heard patio pronounced with an r! (And I'm not so sure that all Americans know what a patio is!) We should take a survey in class. :-)

  2. I'm going to have to agree with Prof. Jerskey, I haven't heard an "r" in patio either. But I really like the word you chose.

  3. perhaps i meant to say "d" lol..ughh!! english is complicated !!!

  4. Hey Carlos, I did understood what you meant! Yeah for Spanish speakers it sounds as if there was an "r" in the middle. Isn't that funny? Because I wouldn't have thought about it differently if it hadn't been for professor Jerskey's comment! And I liked the word you chose, a patio for us is really a nice, big, and relaxing place!

  5. Hi Carlos, just wanted to comment on your presentation from last week. It was concise, easy to understand what you were talking about, and the book very interesting. I also felt a connection with it since like you and the author, I also came to this country without any knowledge of English, and look how much we've accomplished so far! We just need to write a book now, lol! You did a good job!

  6. Hi Carlos,

    Thank you very much for introducing us with a new word. English is my second language and I have a long way to go in learning words in this very interesting language. I Thank you again for adding a new word in the vocabulary that I have learned so far. So, 'patio' is borrowed from Spanish, huh? Has it gone through any other word formation processes?
